Apply Today to Explore Career Opportunities!

In partnership with Chicago and Illinois university partners, ThinkChicago is thrilled to launch the Spring 2020 Resume Book.

As students and local companies navigate these challenging and unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 outbreak, ThinkChicago understands that current public health guidelines have severely limited on-campus recruiting and other campus programming. The ThinkChicago Spring Resume Book will help university students explore career opportunities and directly connect with future employers about job opportunities and internships, especially for those students who want to work for a Chicago tech and innovation company.

Who Should Apply: juniors, seniors, and masters students currently enrolled in Chicago/Illinois-based universities, specifically STEM-related majors (engineering, computer science, etc) and those students who have a strong interest in tech entrepreneurship and/or working for a tech company.

What Students Can Expect:

  • Direct Pathway: to connect with Chicago’s leading tech and innovation companies (50+ local tech companies have partnered with ThinkChicago since 2018).
  • Career & Internship Opportunities: via our ThinkChicago email newsletter sharing the latest news from our ThinkChicago company partners.
  • Early Access: to ThinkChicago programs and activities (campus roadshow events, local events, etc).

Apply Online Today!

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