Who We Are

Working for the City that Works

We highlight and support Chicago’s talent to align with the demands of our business ecosystem. Whether it’s manufacturing, health care and life sciences, professional services, finance, insurance, wholesale, retail, transportation and logistics, hospitality, and even moviemaking. Chicagoland is where workers and families can enjoy a world-class city with an affordable cost of living. In this city, businesses draw from a wealth of skilled workers across a range of industries.

Key Programs

Good Jobs Chicagoland

Dive into a world of opportunities with Good Jobs Chicagoland. Whether it’s Health Care; Information Technology; Manufacturing; or Transportation, Distribution & Logistics, click on the icons to explore dynamic career paths tailored for you.

Key Programs

Chicago Youth Employment Initiative

World Business Chicago is proud to be part of amultifaceted citywide movement that aims to provide Chicagoans ages 14-24 with a pathway to a career by and through a collaborative ecosystem across all levels of city government, the private sector and the local business community.


Reach out to us

As a convenor, we are here to be of support, consult, and connect you to resources that will help your company connect young talent to paid meaningful career exploration opportunities, workforce development programs and effective career pathway that enhance their employability, financial independence, promote personal growth and ignite ambition to pursue a fulfilling future.

For more information:

Engage with our workforce expert, Tana Francellno, to best understand a path forward at 312-589-5573 and tfrancellno@worldbusinesschicago.com

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