WBC Attended the Innovators Guide to Chicago Event on February 26

WBC joined organizations from Chicago’s local tech and innovation ecosystem at Chicago Innovation’s “The Innovators Guide to Chicago” event on Wednesday, February 26 at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

WBC’s President & CEO, Andrea Zopp participated on a panel where she discussed the state of innovation in Chicago, and shared challenges and opportunities for growth. Other panelists included representatives from Pritzker Group Venture Cpaital, P33, Ocient, Fieldglass, i.c. stars, Kuczmarski Innovation & Chicago Innovation.

In addition to over 30 exposition booths, WBC also had a table to share information on our initiatives. ChicagoNEXT, WBC’s dedicated effort to drive growth and opportunity in Chicago’s technology community, and ChiBizHub, our online portal for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners were at the event, where they shared information on upcoming events and programs.

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