Life Sciences
Chicago’s Life Sciences industry is a future powerhouse. Concentrated in and around our central business district, more lab space than ever is coming online. Chicago has a superlative supporting ecosystem: our R1 research universities are part of a rich life sciences talent pipeline, along with a concentration of federal and corporate research and development centers.

Explore the industry profile for Life Sciences.
The report includes numbers and more on local assets, geographic distribution, productivity, business count, employment and high growth sub- industries.

Chicago's Life Sciences industry is growing fast.
Chicago’s sub-industry strengths include pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing, as well as, scientific research and development services.
World Business Chicago is working with stakeholders to amplify the call to bring the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health or ARPA-H to the Chicago region. The campaign is led via social media using digital touchpoints. The case for Chicago is best made through your contributions as key players in the life sciences ecosystem.