Hireology is expanding to a new Chicago office as it continues to increase hiring in the region.

HireologyHireology, a leading provider of employee hiring and selection management technology, announced today that it is expanding to a new Chicago office as it continues to increase hiring in the region. Located at 303 E. Wacker Drive, the new office, which previously served as overflow space for Groupon, is a 15,000-square-foot facility that will provide the company with the space to accommodate its expanding team and create new innovations that help employers find and hire right-fit talent.

“With Hireology poised for continued growth, our move from our current 2,000 square foot office to this much larger, state-of-the-art facility will be instrumental in helping us reach our company goals,” said Adam Robinson, Hireology co-founder and CEO. “We remain committed to being an employer of choice in Chicago, and this new office gives us the space we need to expand our team with talented professionals in the region. At the same time, its prime location in the city enables us to benefit from all the amenities Chicago has to offer.”

“We’re pleased that Hireology – a company that embodies two of the city’s thriving sectors – business services and technology – is continuing to expand and hire in Chicago,” said World Business Chicago President & CEO Jeff Malehorn. “Companies like Hireology find that Chicago’s unmatched talent base, central location and cultural amenities make it an ideal place to grow.

Hireology has grown exponentially in the past year, having hired 40 new employees since January 2014. The company expects to hire an additional 30 individuals for its sales and marketing, engineering, product and operations efforts by the end of the year. That would bring the total number of Hireology employees to 90, further emphasizing the need for a larger workspace.

The move is heralded by World Business Chicago (WBC), a not-for-profit economic development organization chaired by Mayor Emanuel. Ensuring Chicago remains the place where cutting-edge business services are developed and provided is a key component of Mayor Emanuel’s Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs. WBC is currently implementing the Plan in order to ensure companies such as Hireology – and its clients – thrive in the city.

Founded in 2010, Hireology is a complete web-based hiring platform that takes the complexity and guesswork out of the hiring process. Leveraging proprietary data and predictive analytics to help managers make the right hiring choice, the company’s solutions are used by more than 1,500 customers globally. Hireology has received numerous recent accolades, having been ranked in the Top 100 for the Chicago Innovation Awards, recognized as a Moxie Award nominee and ranked #1 in HRO Today’s Baker’s Dozen in Talent Management Technology.

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About Hireology

Hireology was founded on a simple but powerful concept: by analyzing the behaviors of top-performing employees, organizations can create highly accurate systems for identifying the best candidate for the job. Through its innovative Selection Manager™ platform, Hireology helps decentralized organizations across all industries and locations transform their talent acquisition processes and make well-informed, science-based decisions about their candidates. What results are better hiring decisions, lower turnover, and increased productivity and profitability at each location. For more information, please visit http://www.hireology.com or follow us on Twitter @Hireology.

About World Business Chicago

Chaired by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, World Business Chicago drives Chicago’s economic growth. WBC collaborates to create jobs, cultivate talent, and put Chicago at the forefront of the global economy. A unique public-private partnership, WBC engages the region’s leaders to advance Chicago’s Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs. Follow WBC on Twitter @WorldBizChicago.

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