Join World Business Chicago in Supporting Upkey

WBC is partnering with Upkey, a local organization providing Chicago-area high school seniors and college students with opportunities to cultivate a marketable professional image. Upkey aims to level the playing field and offer a vision for a more diverse, inclusive world where every young person gets a chance to shine.

In response to thousands of summer internships getting canceled due to COVID-19, Upkey is launching the VIP Internship Program this summer. You can learn more about this program in the flyer here.

We invite you to join us in supporting this great organization by volunteering, or sharing the following opportunities with your networks:

  1. Become a summer internship mentor for 2-5 students. This is a 1-2 hour per week commitment for 8 weeks in June and July. Upkey is specifically looking for ethnically diverse, early to mid-level career professionals. However, all who are interested should apply! If you’re interested, you can learn more and sign up here. Feel free to share this opportunity with your personal networks if you feel called and comfortable doing so- Upkey is looking for mentors to for 1,000 students.
  2. Help connect Upkey with business partners who add value to their curriculum. Business partners conduct virtual webinars, offer guest speakers, or provide real-life activities for interns to work on based on weekly themes. If you’re interested, you can learn more and sign up here. Please also share this opportunity with your personal networks if you feel called and comfortable doing so.

For more information on Upkey, or to get involved, visit their website.

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