Save the Date for Friday, November 6, 2020

The unprecedented challenges of 2020 have made it clear we are all connected, across our city, country, and the world. For this year’s Chicago Consular Corps (CCC) Gala, we’re pivoting from our traditional in-person, black-tie soiree to a virtual event.

We invite you to save the date of Friday, November 6th, 2020 for a night of fun and international friendship. However, in lieu of being able to congregate in the great city of Chicago, we will take you Around the World in One Night from the comfort of your home. With stops in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe, we encourage you to come along as we highlight Chicago’s international Sister Cities and Chicago Consular Corps countries.

Follow us on social media as we feature the diverse neighborhoods and cultures that truly make Chicago a global city.

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